Hypnosis can be a highly effective treatment for the bowel disorder IBS.Around 20 per cent of the population is thought to suffer from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome),Various treatment goals can be met by altering the therapeutic suggestions made while under hypnosis. In the case of IBS, both physiological improvement and psychological improvement have been targeted and studied by hypnotherapists, including the patient’s overall quality of life, emotional stressors, bloating, pain and altered bowel habits.People with IBS often have abdominal pain or discomfort which is associated with opening their bowels, or they experience a change in bowel habit (constipation, diarrhoea or both). They experience bloating and cramping.Symptoms range in severity from an occasional mild episode to a debilitating, life altering disorder which prevents the IBS sufferers from working or going to public places, interfering severely in their daily life.Stress and anxiety exacerbate the symptoms.Diverse research studies support the use of hypnotherapy and guided imagery to improve quality of life and symptom relief of those people who have been medically diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.